All resorts that are designed to restore patients with respiratory diseases have special climatic and other natural healing factors. In this regard, the sanatorium "Shahter" in the city of Essentuki is very favorable. Clean air of the North Caucasus, a cozy park area, mineral springs saturating the air with healing salts – all this is effective for improving the state of the respiratory system. After all, in urban conditions, patients with asthma, chronic bronchitis and sinusitis constantly experience breathing problems, their condition only worsens. Therefore, you need to come to Shakhtar so that the bronchi and lungs start working properly, and the airways are cleared of mucus.
It is especially useful to stay in this sanatorium for people who often suffer from colds. Due to reduced immunity, poor nutrition and polluted air, a constant runny nose turns into chronic sinusitis, sinusitis or tonsillitis develops. Frequent viral diseases give complications to the tonsils, and chronic laryngitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis or laryngotracheitis may occur. Weakened immunity leads to bronchial damage. In addition, due to the large number of allergens and improper nutrition, more and more people suffer from allergic rhinitis and cough. In all these cases, the Shahter sanatorium can help improve the condition.
The sanatorium "Shahter" is climatic and balneological. Therefore, the main procedures here are drinking mineral water, iodine-bromine, aromatic and dry mineral baths, therapeutic showers, mud applications, speleotherapy and terrenkur. This alone helps the patient breathe more freely, cleanses the airways of mucus and relieves inflammation. But the treatment of respiratory diseases in the sanatorium "Shahter" is carried out with the help of other procedures. Their alternation and duration are assigned individually:
These procedures saturate the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, strengthen sleep, calm the nervous system. Therefore, in 98% of cases, patients feel much better. In addition, patients do not experience asthma attacks or exacerbations of chronic diseases for a long time. Come to the sanatorium "Shahter" and you will be able to breathe freely.