AMAKS "Shahter" Essentuki
Version for
visually impaired
En Ру
Advantages of staying in our sanatorium
Best price guarantee!
Large indoor pool for 25m
Children under 4 years old stay free of charge
Convenient location - 100 meters to the medical park and the pump room with mineral water
Free luggage delivery to the room
Daily animation program
Unique treatment programs

Treatment of chronic laryngotracheitis in the Shahter sanatorium in Essentuki

Treatment of this disease is reduced to antibacterial or antiviral therapy, in which the patient is prescribed mucolytic, antitussive, antihistamine, antipyretic and other drugs, as well as physiotherapy.


  • All diseases of the respiratory system accompanied by the development of pulmonary heart failure above stage 2
  • Bronchiectatic disease and chronic abscess with severe exhaustion of patients, an increase in body temperature, the release of copious purulent sputum
  • Bronchial asthma with frequent severe attacks of suffocation, hormone-dependent uncontrolled asthma
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax
  • Hemoptysis
  • Pleural effusion

Treatment results

Restoring lost voice functions is a long process. But qualified specialists of our sanatorium cure even the most neglected cases.

Consequences of lack of treatment

An advanced disease can develop into chronic tonsillitis or bronchitis. As a result of the formation of laryngeal edema, a person begins to suffocate, therefore, assistance not provided in time can lead to death.
Ларинготрахеит представляет собой воспалительное заболевание, при котором поражается гортань и трахеи. Хронический ларинготрахеит чаще всего возникает как осложнение на фоне таких заболеваний, как фарингит, ларингит, тонзиллит, аденоиды, ринит и синусит. Помимо этого, данное отклонение может появиться из-за распространения воспаления в нижние дыхательные пути, которое сопровождается развитием бронхита, пневмонии или бронхиолита.

Treatment for this disease is prescribed by consulting doctors of the sanatorium "Shahter" as a concomitant pathology to the main diseases that are profile for the sanatorium - diseases of the digestive system and endocrine system.

For more detailed advice, please contact the resort's sales department: +7 (863) 310-01-43

Spa programs

Specialized program "Breathe deeply"
Vouchers from 7 days
Prevention of exacerbations in COPD, chronic bronchitis, smoker's bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
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