AMAKS "Shahter" Essentuki
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Advantages of staying in our sanatorium
Best price guarantee!
Large indoor pool for 25m
Children under 4 years old stay free of charge
Convenient location - 100 meters to the medical park and the pump room with mineral water
Free luggage delivery to the room
Daily animation program
Unique treatment programs

Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the Shakhter sanatorium

Treatment of GERD, first of all, requires quitting smoking and strong alcohol, reducing the consumption of coffee, tea, spicy, sour and fatty foods.

It is recommended to eat small portions 4-6 times a day, prescribe medication, and in severe cases resort to surgery. One of the most effective methods of combating exacerbations of GERD is sanatorium treatment. Sanatorium treatment includes regular visits to doctors, special dietary nutrition, a set of necessary procedures. Staying in a sanatorium allows you to normalize the state of the nervous system, which also plays a big role on the way to recovery.


  • All diseases in the acute phase are contraindicated
  • Cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus and intestines with impaired patency
  • Peptic ulcer disease complicated by pyloric stenosis, repeated bleeding that occurred over the previous 8-10 months, penetration of ulcers, suspected malignancy of stomach ulcers
  • Solinger - Ellison disease
  • Stomach polyps
  • Menetrier's disease (hypertrophic gastritis)
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
  • Polyp or polyposis of the intestine
  • Bleeding hemorrhoids

Treatment results

Treatment in sanatorium conditions makes it possible to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The gastric mucosa is restored, thereby reflux is suppressed.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Sometimes GERD entails serious complications, such as an esophageal ulcer and narrowing of the esophageal lumen, and in some cases can cause cancer.
ГЭРБ – одно из самых распространенных хронических заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта. Недуг возникает из-за заброса содержимого желудка и желчи в пищевод, в результате чего происходит повреждение его слизистой оболочки. Заброс желудочного содержимого может затронуть и другие органы: гортань, трахею и даже бронхи. Чаще всего гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь проявляется изжогой, которая возникает через 1-1,5 часа после приема пищи, отрыжкой кислым после еды и ощущением боли во время глотания. Затрагивая органы дыхания, ГЭРБ вызывает першение в горле, кашель или даже бронхит.

Spa programs

Sanatorium-resort program "Gastroenterology. Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract"
Vouchers from 12 days
Prevention of relapses and exacerbations in chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
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