AMAKS "Shahter" Essentuki
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Advantages of staying in our sanatorium
Best price guarantee!
Large indoor pool for 25m
Children under 4 years old stay free of charge
Convenient location - 100 meters to the medical park and the pump room with mineral water
Free luggage delivery to the room
Daily animation program
Unique treatment programs

Guest reviews of the Shahter sanatorium in Essentuki, page 77

Finally, I found a really official website of the MINER sanatorium.Alas, many sites are positioned as official.It is on this site that I could order treatment directly and with a 10% discount for a pensioner in the period from November 20 to December 20..Others do not give it, i.e. you understand what they are doing.But it's too late to change.I have been losing 3850 rubles since December 9.I wrote to share my *experience*.Have a nice day.


I had a rest at Shakhtar in September 2015, quite recently. Everything is at the level of price and quality… Nice clean, cozy and well-maintained rooms. The territory is spacious, the air is wonderful, especially for morning walks. The food is "eat as much as you want", but this is not the main thing… The main thing is treatment! That's why everyone has been going to this miraculous resort for so many years. The medical base is good, the specialists are competent, although there are small queues for some procedures from 10 to 30 minutes, but this is when the sanatorium is overcrowded. Otherwise, everything is fine… It's not the first year I've been coming to Essentuki, everything is as usual, but this time for the first time I was surprised by one masseur from the 205 cabinet with his professionalism. For several years I was tormented by intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis. I do not know how, but he immediately found everything for me at the first procedure, what and where it hurts, told me everything, showed me, explained, and for 8 massage procedures I was born again. I advise everyone to get to Evgeny Galkin! A master of his craft, a highly qualified specialist, of which there are few in our time, and just a very good person. Thank him very much!

Otdihali v sanatoriye SHAKHTYORE v sentyabr 26 po oktyabr 09 2015 .Hochu virazit oqromniy blaqadarnost zamestitel qlavnovo vracha LITVINOVA MARINA ALEKSEYEVNA , vrach UZI Anqelova Elena Mikhailovna ,za vnimatelnya otnosheniya ,vejlivost i za visokim profesonaliszm. Bahaddin Jafarov qor.BAKU


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