Good afternoon!
When arriving at the sanatorium, you must have the following documents with you:
for adults:
We recommend that you take with you a compulsory medical insurance policy (or VMI)
For vouchers with treatment - sanatorium and resort card* (no more than 2 months from the date of receipt)
This chart includes the following analyses:
1. ECG 2. Fluorography 3. General urinalysis, general blood test. 4. For women, a certificate from a gynecologist.; (san.-kur. The card can be issued on the spot for an additional fee of 2000 rubles)
for children (under 14 years old):
birth certificate, certificate from a pediatrician about the absence of contact of the child with infectious patients, analysis for enterobiosis (3 months ago), sanatorium card (for vouchers with treatment).
WhatsApp contact number : 8(87934)6-10-04
Have a nice day!