AMAKS Shahter Essentuki
En Ру


Inductotherapy is a method of electrotherapy, acting factor which is a high-frequency alternating magnetic field.

The effect of the energy of this field causes an induced (inductive) vortex currents, mechanical energy which goes into heat. Expands blood vessels, accelerates blood flow, decreases blood pressure, improves coronary circulation.

With teploobrazovaniem and increasing blood flow is associated anti-inflammatory and resolving action inductothermy. There will also be a decrease in muscle tone that matters when spasm of smooth muscles. Lowering the excitability of nerve receptors causes pain and sedative effect.

The application of this procedure to the area of the adrenal glands stimulates glucocorticoid function. This treatment increases the content of calcium in tissues, bacteriostatic effect.

Indications for use

Indications for the purpose of induction therapy are subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs, organs of the pelvis, ENT-bodies, disease and trauma musculoskeletal system, peripheral and Central nervous system.


Among the private contra violations include pain and temperature sensitivity of the skin, the presence of metal objects in the tissues in the zone of exposure and acute purulent processes.

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