AMAKS Shahter Essentuki
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Circular shower

Circular shower is extremely helpful and pleasant medical procedure.

Unlike many other types of water treatment circular shower affects not only the skin surface but also on the muscular system, subcutaneous fat, many of the internal organs. So deep impact is beneficial to the tone of the body.

Because of this it is often used in weight loss, figure correction and enhancing overall well-being of the body

The principle of operation

A large number of water jets emerging from small holes vertically arranged tubes, circular shower, splash on all sides of the patient, located in the center of the cabin. The water temperature is 36-37°C. a Pressure of 1-1,5 ATM., the duration of the procedure up to 5 minutes.

The course consists of 8-10 procedures, appointed through the day with other procedures. It is impossible to combine in one day with swimming pool and heat treatments.

Indications for use

Circular shower is often prescribed for various disorders in the nervous system, cellulite, obesity, stress and depression, disorders of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.


Circular shower should not be used during pregnancy, skin diseases, cancer, respiratory pathologies and acute phases of various infectious diseases.

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