AMAKS Shahter Essentuki
En Ру


In order to cope with the illness, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance. However, most treatment starts with the rejection of the possible factors irritation of the skin: solar radiation, chemicals, damp. Effective is medication. Most of the creams and other hormonal substances. Great value on the road to recovery plays a proper nutrition. The diet involves limiting the consumption of salt and seasonings, the rejection of canned food, introduction in a diet of lots of fruits.

Sanatorium treatment is indicated for patients with chronic eczema, but are not in the period of exacerbation. Eczema is afraid of sulphur springs, bathing in sea water, UV radiation and mud. In health resorts is the regulation of sleep and nutrition, which is also beneficial to the healing process.

Treatment Results

Eczema very effectively treatable in sanatorium-resort conditions. The inflammation is removed mud treatment and medicinal baths. In this regard, achieved quite a stable result, which almost completely eliminates the occurrence of the disease again.

The consequences of not treating

If eczema is not treated, it can cause purulent infection.
Eczema – an inflammatory disease of the skin rash. The factors contributing to eczema include violation of the digestive processes, heredity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, deficiency of trace elements or fatty acids.

Treatment for this disease are prescribed consultants of the sanatorium "Shakhtar" as a concomitant pathology of the main diseases that are relevant to the sanatorium – diseases of the digestive system and the endocrine system.

More detailed advice can be obtained in the sales Department of the resort: +7 (863) 310-01-43