AMAKS Shahter Essentuki
En Ру


NDS the treatment of spondylosis is effective, it is necessary to identify the disease. In the later stages treatment is less effective. The fight against disease is aimed at preventing further growth of bone stick, eliminate pain, reduce inflammation and strengthen muscle corset. Are usually prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain medications. To prevent exacerbations and improve the quality of life of the patient it is recommended that a comprehensive Spa treatment.

The Spa programs offer a variety of massages that promote pain relief, physiotherapy (diadynamic currents, electrophoresis, ultrasound), manual therapy. Treatment of spondylosis is not complete without physical therapy and special exercises, which is very beneficial for preventing the progression of the disease and improves the patient's condition in General.


Severe pain and developed changes in the spine, limiting self-service and self-movement of man.

Treatment Results

In General, improving the quality of life of the patient, and in particular, in the area of the spine improves blood circulation and the passage of nerve impulses. The main thing for the patient: the nature of the pain becomes less pronounced, muscle spasms become uncommon.

The consequences of not treating

Intervertebral hernia, protrusion.
Spondylosis – a chronic disease of the spine characterized by deformation of the vertebrae due to the growth around them bone. The metabolic disorders, spinal injury, staying in one position for a long time – the main causes of spondylosis.

Treatment for this disease are prescribed consultants of the sanatorium "Shakhtar" as a concomitant pathology of the main diseases that are relevant to the sanatorium – diseases of the digestive system and the endocrine system.

More detailed advice can be obtained in the sales Department of the resort: +7 (863) 310-01-43