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Violation of tolerance to glucose

Violation of tolerance to glucose requires medical treatment, but do not forget about the correct way of life. You need to carefully monitor their weight, do some light exercise, observe proper diet. To overcome the disease, it is important to give up Smoking and alcohol abuse. The basis for the prevention of diabetes is also constant monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Patients with impaired glucose tolerance shown SANATORNO-resort treatment. Spa programmes include a specially formulated diet to exclude sweet, fat and flour and vitamin rich food, fruits and vegetables. Regular physical activity to maintain normal body weight – another important point in the fight against disease. Also, staying in health resorts offer treatments with mineral water, herbal medicine and other treatments. It is particularly important that the resort fails to achieve the conditions for bestrasova treatment, which is important in the healing process.


  • Thyrotoxicosis severe
  • Diabetes mellitus in decompensation stage, while labile for(frequent hypoglycemic state)
  • Tumours of the endocrine glands.

Treatment Results

Treatment aimed at normalizing blood sugar levels. Conservative treatment and knowledge of our specialists allow you to do everything possible to prevent the disease from turning into diabetes.

The consequences of not treating

The emergence and development of diabetes varying degrees.
Violation of glucose tolerance is a condition pre-diabetes, when blood sugar is already above the norm, but it does not reach the rates at which the diagnosis of diabetes. Early detection and treatment of this condition allows to avoid diabetes and further complications.
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