AMAKS Shahter Essentuki
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Apothecary garden

  • Oil of lavender is used for relaxation, stress relief and gaining peace of mind, against headache and pain in the joints, as a means of burns and as a massage oil. Dried flowers and leaves of lavender are used to freshen rooms and closets to perfume linen and clothes against moths and other insects.
  • Sage is used as a herbal tea in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and throat. It favorably affects the stomach and intestines. Sage essential oil has a disinfectant action. Special influence on the hormonal function of women. It is known that sage helps to conceive a child with infertility, breast-feeding helps to stop lactation.
  • The flowers and leaves of rosemary are used as a spice in cooking, bath and as an insecticide. In folk medicine, rosemary is a good remedy for easing indigestion and headaches, weakness of the heart, liver and metabolic disorders. It has a stimulating effect on blood circulation.
  • Thyme is rich in essential oils, and has expectorant, antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative effect. Significant support is provided by thyme in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is cholagogue, blood purifier, diuretic. Essential thyme for pain in the joints, heart pain, radiculitis, neuralgic diseases.
  • Yarrow is a versatile remedy of the body as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, promotes healing and tissue regeneration for cuts, burns. Relieves inflammation of the skin. Yarrow is useful for the digestive system: stimulates appetite and improves digestion. The broth from it stimulates liver function.
  • Echinacea is used for colds, toothache, ulcers, wounds. Acts as an antibiotic and is the most powerful and effective stimulator of the immune system among all known herbal remedies. Helps in the treatment of influenza, smallpox, polio, urinary tract infections and cystitis.

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